Drainage Composite

MiraDRAIN® is a high-performance drainage composites consisting of a three-dimensional, high impact, creep resistance polymeric core, and a selection of engineered anti-clogging filter fabric. The filter fabric is factory-bonded on individual dimples of the molded core to minimize fabric intrusion into flow channels caused by backfill pressure. The fabric serves as a filter medium to prevent the passage of soil particles into the core while allowing subgrade water to pass freely.

Features & Benefits:

  • High-flow drainage, three to five times the capacity of aggregate or sand
  • No-clogging filter fabrics
  • Relieves hydrostatic pressure buildup against below-grade structures
  • High-compressive strength core, with stands installation and natural earth stresses
  • Enhances waterproofing system by channeling water away
  • Provides a protection course for the waterproofing system
  • Consistent and proven long-term performance
  • Lightweight product allows for cost-efficient installation
  • Allows backfilling with the excavated soil